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Conservation Areas

Petts Wood has a number of designations including Conservation Areas, the Area of Special Residential Character (ASRC) and four Article 4 Directions. 

The first conservation area to be designated was The Chenies, put in place in 1982. Then Chislehurst Road and part of Birchwood Road followed in 1989. Finally, Station Square was designated in 1995. 


The ASRC has been in place since 1994. 


Article 4 Directions are put in place when an area’s character is perceived as being threatened from certain types of development. For Petts Wood the following Article 4 Directions are in place:

  • The Chenies (covering alterations to the front roof slope dated February 2012)

  • Station Square (covering enclosure of shop forecourts dated June 2016) 

  • Petts Wood ASRC and Conservation Areas (covering enclosure of front gardens dated March 2016) 

  • Petts Wood ASRC covering the enlargement and alterations to any roof slope dated July 2022. 


Some residents seem to be unaware of these directions and carry out alterations to their properties which can then fall foul of these directions. An Article 4 Direction requires a planning application to be submitted as the works, indicated in brackets above, cannot be completed under permitted development.

Bromley Council has placed a number of additional Article 4 Directions and these will be confirmed over the next few months. For Petts Wood, these new Article 4 Directions include those for upward extensions(adding additional storeys).


Bromley Council Conservation Area website - interactive map:

The new and extensions to existing Conservation Areas can be viewed on an interactive map here.

The entire borough is displayed. Enter your postcode to discover more detailed information about your road.

  • How does one join the Association?
    The PWDRA currently has around 3000 members. Any household within Petts Wood and its immediate surrounds are welcome to join! Please use the Join Us form that is available within the Contact Us section.
  • Can I advertise in the PWDRA Gazette?
    Yes, this is possible. Preference is given to local businesses. Please do however note that advertising slots are limited, and the Gazette Advertising can at times be oversubscribed. Enquiries should be made via the Advertising in the Gazette Form - within the Contact Us section.
  • How can I help or get involved in the Association?
    The Association has several portfolios to help our community. We are always happy to be contacted, with our details provided on the back of the Gazette. Alternatively, you can contact us via the "Contact Us" section on the website.
  • Where have the pictures on the website come from?
    Pictures have been taken by residents of Petts Wood and submitted for inclusion. If there is a specific picture you would like removed from the site, please simply let us know by using the "Contact Us" form.
  • Who decides what Blogs are created & published ?
    The PWDRA makes every attempt to be impartial in relation to any blog posts. Members of the association submit blog posts for review, and where appropriate included. If you'd like to contribute to a blog post or have any concerns regarding a post... please feel free to use the "Contact Us" form.
  • Where can I buy the printed "book" on Petts Wood ?"
    "A History of Petts Wood" (Millennium Edition) by Peter Waymark is now in stock and can be purchased from: - "JK News", which is next to Millers (gentleman's grooming) - "With Best Wishes", which is located just off Station Square next to Desperados - "WH Smith Local", which is on Queensway near Robert James the Jewellers The cost of the book is a reasonable £6.95 and makes a great gift.
  • Is the annual membership actually just £5 ?
    Yes. There are no hidden or additional charges. The PWDRA is run by volunteers. The annual subscription of £5 primarily covers the printing costs for 12 printed Gazettes delivered monthly to your door by our volunteer road stewards. Everyone is a volunteer looking to support and contribute to the aims of the PWDRA.
  • Will or do you sell my data to 3rd parties ?
    Absolutely not. Never. The information we retain is purely for the purpose of circulating the printed Gazette, collecting annual subscription fees and circulation of any electronic information relating to Petts Wood and its environment. Our legal basis for holding information is a combination of Legimitate Interest and Consent depending on the marketing cohort and point at which the data has been legally obtained.
  • How can I get my views expressed with the Gazette ?
    The Gazette is a monthly publication delivered to close to 3000 households within Petts Wood. "Letters to the Editor" are regularly published, so please feel free to contact the Editor. The details are on the back of all printed Gazettes. We can't publish all Letters, but we do try to mainain a balanced view. If you feel conversation is temporarily one-sided, please reach out to us to help balance the views.
  • How do I join the monthly litter picking event, and where do we meet ?
    Litter collection drives run monthly, with all equipment provided for. The best way to join us is to contact Brian on 07711247655 and you will be added to our WhatsApp group, and you will receive updates and messages. The litter picks are usually held on the last Sunday of each month except December. We meet outside JDM Estate Agents in Station Square at 10am and litter pick for about an hour. You will be very welcome. PS During March it will be the 24th of March as the last Sunday is Easter Sunday).
  • How do I get added to the PWDRA Email List?
    The PWDRA has intentionally decided not to allow for email address to be collected via the Website. Instead, we arrange for email address to be collected directly by our Road Stewards. In the event your Road Steward has been unable to collect your email address, please email us on with your name, home address and email address. We will then cross reference this against our database, and contact you directly. Thank you.
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