A sunny Saturday afternoon walk in Crofton & Sparrow Woods was welcomed and attended by twenty people. Jane Andrews - chair of Friends of Crofton & Sparrow Woods, our walk leader in collaboration with PWDRA pointed out the sundial embedded in the grass by the car park at Eynsford Recreation ground that many of us had no knowledge. A youngster in our group helped with his shadow falling on 2pm - the start of our walk!
We headed over to the old strawberry fields which the Friends' regular working group helped to clear. Heading up the path by the Kydbrook stream we stopped at Gumping Common where there is an unusual blue dedication plaque to Isleworth School - benefactors to the area. Bomb craters, Ashdieback, early acorns falling from oaks, a Victorian horse trough and remnants of the old fever hospital were commented on as we headed from Crofton into Sparrow woods. Unusually, this notable wetland site today was relatively dry due to the hot summer we have just experienced.
There's much more to say but it's well worth a visit yourself to enjoy the pleasures of Crofton and Sparrow woodlands.
Mel Wright. PWDRA